What Not To Do In A Relationship: 6 Things To Keep In Mind

Do not keep secrets:

Keeping secret  is not something mates do who enjoy a strong, open, honest union. Attempting to keep something quiet from a partner puts a wedge between the two of you that will ultimately let your significant other know something is up. 

Do not keep grudges:

It is not something mates do who enjoy a strong, open, honest union. Attempting to keep something quiet from a partner puts a wedge between the two of you that will ultimately let your significant other know something is up. 

Lose your sense of self:

In so many relationships, people lose who they are. They pick up their significant other’s tastes, hobbies, interests, style, and everything. It’s great to be able to share what you love with someone you love, but it’s another thing to forget who you are as an individual. If you feel completely at a loss without the other, you’re in trouble

Bring up the past:

This is a major NO-NO in an argument. In a relationship, you should only be focusing on the present. No matter how brutal a fight might get, you should never bring up an event from the past. You have to leave it behind.


Don’t compare your girlfriend to some hot girl at the bar, or your boyfriend to the jacked guy at the gym. No one likes to feel like they’re in competition with someone they don’t even know. You’ll do nothing but make them feel bad about themselves and then they will resent you for it.